Wednesday 20 June 2012

Allen_Kanda's Journal #17 - How to handle tears and summer

Crying is not a sign of weakness or immaturity at all times. But my way of crying at times was weak, even though I don't cry that much. I was holding in tearjerker moments in animes, in songs, just to not seem stupid, yet I was crying in front of my mother when she made me feel sorry for everything. I was pitying myself and that's weak. It's a terribly selfish thing to do, crying over myself but not crying over other's unfortunate fates, even if it's just anime or fictional characters. I was still immature at the core, and I still think I am in some aspects, because one thing that my friend said is verifying its existence.  I will try to not cry anymore at these moments and cry rather at sad anime or sad songs, since that's a nicer thing to do.
And where I got to this? No, no one told me anything.
Remember why small children cry? They forexample hit their knee so it bleeds. If you look at it from the blunt point of view, it hurts. From a broader aspect, actually, they pity themselves because they have to endure such pain. "Why me?" They sure ask themselves. When their friend hurts his knee they never cry, even though they're sure the friend is in pain, as much as they might have experienced in the past. Well children are children, and it's okay for them since they're young.
At my age, though, it's a good choice to mature from that. Or you'll turn out like the people that are all selfish and desire money and nice stuff for themselves and themselves only, which means they never matured. Adolescence is the best age to start thinking more like an adult. It is never too late, but if you don't do it now, you could deal with a bad name later on. After all, adolescents still aren't adults, but it's the phase right before that.
On the other hand, be sure to enjoy your childhood! If you didn't reach the age of 15 yet, I personally even would say 16, it's fine to be a little more selfish and immature to the point it's not annoying. And you can't return to physically be a child, atleast not yet. (reincarnation or scientific progress might change these in the future...)

This day was killing me. At first I felt useless for the event held today, I thought there's nothing I could do and even the little I'd do I'd screw up majorly, but I was glad my class invited me to help out more and in the end I was glad I was able to help atleast a bit to ease my class' work. And I figured I am able to help more, with some graphics job maybe? Though the thing that let the final blow for me was the heat. Hot air is really hard to inhale. Took a nap for 30 minutes straight when I went home, not because I helped (as I said, that actually made me happy) but because the heat got to me.

I still like summer more than winter. Though when it's summer, you'd like a fast cold winter in the midst to cool down, and vice versa. That might probably be the reason why people want the opposite season during the most cold/hot season - it makes perfect sense.

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