Sunday 29 April 2012

Allen_Kanda's Journal #02 - Back to Imagine.

This Saturday was probably the first one I got out of bed after opening my eyes for the first time. I looked at my Android cuz it was reporting new mails. Usually it is some unimporant spam, forexample something from FFR or maybe Avaaz, but this mail was about my favourite MMORPG of current, Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. It recently got migrated from Aeria to Atlus and the migration took longer than everyone thought. I was thinking it might be out in May, but the mail said IT JUST GOT RELEASED! I was so happy I went straight online.

Call it addiction if you like, but I believe I'm honestly able to stop when I really desire to. It's a thing of will, mine can get strong enough to surpass almost anything if I really wish to. As long as you believe in it, there's nothing to be afraid of, well in terms of drugs that weren't originally intended to be drugs, like PC, TV, games... Maybe I can do the same with soft drugs too. But meh...rather not. Yet...Though caffeine is a drug and I do that constantly. :I

Oh well whatever. Today I decided to help in Stepmania Paradise revival. I hope I won't forget about it, as I don't manage to get active on DGD or VO, despite loving the topics of both. Ironically, about a year and something ago, maybe even two years ago I couldn't understand how people could get to love Vocaloid so much. I liked it, but not to the extent of loving it and blabbering about it everywhere.

But now I do perfectly understand. Thank you Vocamania. :) I think I wouldn't even be alive any longer if it wasn't for VM. Once I stood on the side of a road, willing to give up my life, but then I recalled the people from VM might need me and decided to think about it once more. Turning back, all of my current problems got solved in the meantime.

This story is so repeated....