Saturday 28 April 2012

Anime Review - Tenjou Tenge

Normally I just copy over my own reviews from MAL, but this one is revised.

Tenjou Tenge. A grand name by first hearing probably, but to be honest... This anime isn't good at all. It's the type of anime that will bore you to death, eventually.
Story - 2/10 
Up to episode 9 everything was fine, story was decent and all. But then they decided to butt in the huge flashback. It was overmentioned already, so why extend it and always go back in time. It literally lost its story at that point.
Art - 2/10 
The anatomy was blown, the character designs weren't nice at all to me... Naruto was better.
Sound - 4/10

Catchy opening, but nothing grand. And nothing else is mentionable... 
Character - 2/10
To name the characters in other words - Strange face. Annoying girl. Try-to-act-cool boy, Unimportant black hopper. ...and Maya. She was the only character I liked a bit, FROM THE ENTIRE CAST. But not in child form.... Better than School Days's cast, atleast that went well on this anime.
Enjoyment - 1/10
To put it simple, I was bored as hell with this one....I tried to watch it, but I almost slept in. God, why the long flashback?! We know the outcome, so why remind on it all....
Overall - 2/10
Bored me to death. Watch this only if tits are all that matter.