Saturday 5 May 2012

Allen_Kanda's Journal #06 - Energy Drain

I felt all right today. Right in the morning, ticket control. But guess what? He ignored me. The woman sitting next to me saw it and we laughed, despite not knowing each other or not exchanging words. Funny situation indeed. Then two tests, but I didn't BS any of them, atleast I hope so :P  No results from History, and rest was relax... Small matters about PE, but rest was relatively fine. When I came home I started stepping TSUBASA. Got done 51 seconds, they're paddable, and then a tiredness struck me down. I went to Imagine neverthless, but just now I became unable to play more.

And not a single anime was watched that day....

Wonder whether tomorrow the public pool will become possible, but I doubt it. Weather is too BS as of now.

1 comment:

  1. Getting ignored for ticket control? You don't see that every day :p
