Sunday 13 May 2012

Allen_Kanda's Journal #08 - Distortions (Unholy morning time)

3 AM, don't expect too much brainpower.

As for a share of my thoughts of this moment, I'm thinking whether I'm not starting to get too selfish on the internet. Last thing I recall is thinking I'm pretty good at japanese when comparing my skills to people who know less. And now I re-readed my last review and some lines indeed seemed like I wanted to show off. Or did they?

I don't want to be like that. Not caring about others, just myself. True, it's healthy to care a bit about yourself, but not to the extent it's annoying. And in some parts of human relations, it's necessary. I think it's necessary in relationships of love, even if just for a bit. You won't find happiness if you just doubt in yourself and let others go ahead and not care about you at all. Also, it's always worth a try despite the obstacles. Sometimes it won't work out, sometimes it will. But who ever reached the goal by giving up to the start? Like in a sports race... Losers are winners too, whether they rank second, fifth, last, whatever...with time (and practice), they might rank first one day.

eh why am I saying this...3 AM, right.

Mhmm, didn't get myself to make some custard pudding today, despite I wanted to. Also the instant bolognese spaghetti changed and now they taste horrible. Do they recycle vomit into it? Its scent and taste today made me feel dizzy, and I felt like I could barf from it. Couldn't eat it at all...ugh.

So there we were, doing a dungeon, suspicing my spaghetti.

Productivity of today: One chart of Think the Future is done. 6 NPS Hard. And I have no freaking idea how to make more. I could probably do something with the vocals for medium and for easy, step the signature beat that defines the BPM. But lately I'm not a fan of vocal stepping. I have to lower the rate to define it well and then the song is all holds. And a song with a hard and easy chart would feel a bit odd indeed, I like it when charts stick to eachother.

Well, tomorrow it's Sunday, which means I have to study some! ...And we start with the fourth period!! Do I even need a alarm clock for that? 4th period starts 10:50 AM...well means I've to wake up around 9:30 AM which deserves an alarm clock I guess. Though I woke up at 8AM yesterday.

I think I don't even have to study at the moment, but a sneak peek on Physics would be fine.

Now for sleep.

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